Alvin C. Ernst House (1910)
Name of Owner(s): Jimmy and Wendy Ernst
Building Address: 447 Ocean Avenue
Year Erected: 1910
Plat/Lot/Sublot: Plat 6 Lot 027
Building Address: 447 Ocean Avenue
Year Erected: 1910
Plat/Lot/Sublot: Plat 6 Lot 027
The Alvin C. Ernst House, is also known as Star Cottage was built in 1910. Alvin C. Ernst was a blacksmith who worked with the Negus Brothers, Morris A. and Charles. In the 1930’s, Miss Esther McCarthy ran a boarding house in the Alvin C. Ernst House. The location of the home between the two harbors made it a popular spot for guests. It was said to have an “excellent table” for twenty.
(Information gathered from Bob Downie’s Vol#1 and Vol#2 The Block Island History of Photography)
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